
A Poisson regression of observed over expected cancer deaths in 96 Bavarian districts, 1979-1997, is conducted with the average background gamma radiation (ODL in mSv/y) as an independent variable and unemployment rate (ALO1-ALO3) and population density (URB1-URB3) as possible confonders. Both confounder variables are categorized into 4 quartiles with the lowest quartile (ALO0 and URB0, resp.) being the reference category. The estimates for the parameters are corrected for overdispersion (family=quasipoisson).

1) Regression without confounders ALO and URB

(1)   glm(OBS~offset(log(EXP))+ODL,quasipoisson)

(notation: statistical package R)

Parameter estimates:

estimate SE t-value p-value
(Intercept) -0.1049 0.0183 -5.7453 0.0000
ODL 0.1553 0.0261 5.9460 0.0000

The residual deviance is 1009.9 on 94 degrees of freedom (dispersion parameter 10.7)

2) Regression with confounders ALO1-3 and URB1-3

(2)   glm(OBS~offset(log(EXP))+ALO1+ALO2+ALO3+URB1+URB2+URB3+ODL,quasipoisson)

Parameter estimates:

estimate SE t-value p-value
(Intercept) -0.0823 0.0207 -3.9677 0.0001
ALO1 0.0108 0.0117 0.9270 0.3565
ALO2 0.0405 0.0139 2.9156 0.0045
ALO3 0.0492 0.0164 3.0042 0.0035
URB1 -0.0064 0.0121 -0.5317 0.5963
URB2 -0.0195 0.0131 -1.4913 0.1394
URB3 0.0041 0.0117 0.3473 0.7292
ODL 0.0950 0.0294 3.2314 0.0017

The residual deviance is 719.3 on 88 degrees of freedom (dispersion parameter 8.1)

Both regressions - model (1) and model (2) - yield highly significant effects of background radiation (p<0.0001 and p=0.0017, respectively).

Excess relative risks:

Regression 1)
The regression without confounders yields an excess relative risk (RR) of
RR=exp(0.1553)=1.168 per mSv/y
ie the excess relative risk is ERR = RR-1 = 16.8% per mSv/y

Regression 2)
The regression with confounders ALO1-3 and URB1- yields
RR=exp(0.0950)=1.100 per mSv/y
ie the excess relative risk is ERR = RR-1 = 10.0% per mSv/y

The following table shows the estimates of RR obtained by regressions with model (2) for

1. all malignancies (both genders, males, females)
2. lung cancers (both genders, males, females)
3. all but lung cancers (both genders, males, females)

all malignancies 0,0950 0,0294 1,0997 1,0284 1,1759
all malignancies, males 0,1834 0,0351 1,2013 1,1091 1,3013
all malignancies, females 0,0141 0,0303 1,0142 0,9465 1,0867
lung cancers 0,1394 0,0619 1,1496 0,9982 1,3240
lung cancers, males 0,2667 0,0660 1,3056 1,1231 1,5177
lung cancers, females -0,1621 0,1086 0,8504 0,6639 1,0892
all but lung cancers 0,0904 0,0292 1,0946 1,0241 1,1699
all but lung cancers, males 0,1278 0,0348 1,1363 1,0495 1,2303
all but lung cancers, females 0,0379 0,0310 1,0386 0,9677 1,1146